My Everyday Life during COVID-19 Outbreak

Zachary Shirmohammadli
3 min readSep 30, 2021


It indeed is a real crisis out there, with people suffering great deals of hardship and torture either from catching the virus themselves or witnessing others who caught it. Just like others, I also have suffered as I am unable to contribute to others and need to be content with just looking after myself and my dearest ones, my family, and I think if everyone looks after themselves and whom they care about, we could overcome this disaster in no time. Staying at home as much as possible and paying attention to our hygiene are two of the most important ways I have been using to stay safe from Coronavirus.

The first and most important rule of all is to stay indoors as much as possible. all the warnings that are spread all around the world to restrain me from going outside, it is a given that I quarantine myself inside my house until things calm down. To be able to stay indoors for a considerable amount of time, there are things that I had to do beforehand. I sat down and calculated the estimated amount of days I would be staying home which is 36 days from the day I came home until the 17th of Farvardin and jotted down all the things I needed to learn and all the tasks I needed to do. Second, I bought everything I liked from the outside world, for example, my favorite food, snacks, coffee, and so on. So that I would not have to go outside every time I needed anything. Third, I got myself a good data plan so that I wouldn’t run short on the internet at least, because I need the internet to carry out my everyday chores such as watching movies, doing online jobs, and of course, attending online classes of the university. And finally, I didn’t lose hope and did everything I could while enjoying everyday life with my family. Overall, I think it is most beneficial if you provide a happy and comfortable environment for yourself in your house and get to your everyday lives while still believing that this crisis will also end and happy days will come eventually.

Some of the other important rules apart from staying home are as follows. First, I decided that I need to stay clean, and there are many ways to stay hygienic; like when I feel some itching in my eyes, I should not touch them because my hands might be infected. So, I should avoid the temptation to touch my eyes, as hard as it may sound sometimes. I thought another way I can stay clean is to practice respiratory hygiene, which means I should cover my mouth and nose whenever I feel like sneezing or coughing. That way I will stop the virus from spreading in case god forbid I have that virus. Overall, I could say that this state of crisis we are in right now has given us some unexpected situations which we will confidently overcome by assisting each other and having hope because otherwise we are doomed, so stay strong and also stay connected and be aware of the latest news on the COVID-19 outbreak.



Zachary Shirmohammadli

I'm a web developer and designer trying to learn things and solve my and everyone else's problems.