The shortcut keys that will make you more productive in Obsidian

Zachary Shirmohammadli
4 min readJan 23, 2023


One of the really easy ways you can increase your overall productivity with your computer is using keyboard shortcuts. The more you work with your keyboard rather than your mouse, you can be faster at working with your computer.

This is also true in using Obsidian. You can increase your productivity by using keyboard shortcuts in Obsidian. There are some default keyboard shortcuts set up in Obsidian, but you can change them and even add your own keyboard shortcuts for different functionalities.

Here in this article, I want to share with you my set of keyboard shortcuts that have helped me get productive with Obsidian. In the end, I have also included some tips that can get you closer with your keyboard.

My list of keyboard shortcuts in Obsidian

Close current tab `ctrl + w`

Close window `ctrl + shift + w`

Command pallete `ctrl + p`

Create new note `ctrl + n`

Daily notes: open today’s daily note `alt + d`

Delete paragraph `ctrl + d`

Export to PDF `alt + p`

Graph view `ctrl + g`

Go to next tab `ctrl + tab`

Go to previous tab `ctrl + shift + tab`

Insert callout `alt + 7`

Insert markdown link `ctrl + k`

Move current file to another folder `alt + f`

Move line down `alt + ↓`

Move line up `alt + ↑`

Navigate back `alt + ←`

Navigate forward `alt + →`

New tab `ctrl + t`

Note composer: extract current selection `alt + s`

Open settings `ctrl + ,`

Projects: show projects `alt + shift + p`

Quick switcher: open quick switcher `ctrl + o`

Remove heading `alt + 1`

Rename file `F2`

Save current file `ctrl + s`

Search and replace in current file `ctrl + h`

Search current file `ctrl + f`

Search: Search in all files `ctrl + shift + f`

Set as heading 1 `ctrl + alt + 1`

Set as heading 2 `ctrl + alt + 2`

Set as heading 3 `ctrl + alt + 3`

Set as heading 4 `ctrl + alt + 4`

Show in system explorer `alt + shift + e`

Templates: Insert template `alt + e`

Toggle blockquote `alt + .`

Toggle bold `ctrl + b`

Toggle bullet list `alt + b`

Toggle checkbox status `alt + l`

Toggle comment `ctrl + /`

Toggle highlight `ctrl + =`

Toggle italics `ctrl + i`

Toggle numbered list `alt + n`

Toggle reading view `ctrl + e`

Undo close tab `ctrl + shift + t`

Unique note creator: Create unique note `alt + u`

Use dark mode `ctrl + shift + d`

Use light mode `ctrl + shift + l`

Be comfortable using your keyboard for an increased productivity

If you want to use keyboard shortcuts, you should be comfortable with your keyboard in the first place. That means that you should not look at your keyboard when typing. You should also have a decent typing speed.

Here are two of the resources that I use to practice 10 finger typing:

Typing Club

You can use typing club to learn how to type with 10 fingers. It starts from the beginning and you can go along to find where each key of the keyboard is located. Eventually, you will be able to type without looking at your keyboard and you will greatly increase your speed.


Monkeytye is an amazing web app that lets you to practice typing. There are many functionalities that let you practice to increase your accuracy and speed of your typing. I highly recommend that you use this daily.

Once you create an account on Monkeytype, you can also choose to share your profile page where it’s possible for others to see your typing stats. Here’s mine if you’re interested.

Zachshirow Monkeytype Profile

Final thoughts

By taking a look at this list of keyboard shortcuts, can review yours and edit them as you see fit. To edit your list of keyboard shortcuts, you can open settings in Obsidian and go to `Hotkeys` section. Once there, simply search for the function and change the keyboard shortcut to what you want.

I hope that this article has helped you get just a little bit more productive in using Obsidian.

Let me know what useful keyboard shortcuts do you use with obsidian in the comments section.

I’m an expert in using Obsidian and I make relevant content. You can follow me if you’re interested into this kind of thing.

Happy writing.



Zachary Shirmohammadli

I'm a web developer and designer trying to learn things and solve my and everyone else's problems.